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Hunter School of the Performing Arts

Hunter School of the Performing Arts


Telephone02 4952 3355

Coronavirus - What will happen should our school need to close

Coronavirus Information


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

We are considering possible implications for our school should there be any closure related to the coronavirus.

We are fortunate to already have a quality online learning delivery system, Canvas, and are currently investigating what customisation may be required to optimise this if we were required to exclusively deliver curriculum online for a period of time. We will send more detailed information as we consolidate our plans.

We are also devising an evacuation process should we be instructed to send students home during the day.

If we need to send students home during the day, we will communicate with parents by email, text message, Facebook, the website and primary classes by Class Dojo.

Please have a conversation with your child/young adult about the best way for them to travel home should this occur.

Pick up for primary students will be at the primary gate on Lambton Road.

Pick up for Years 7-9 will be the pedestrian gate in front of the ADMIN BLOCK on Lambton Road.

Pick up for 10-12 will be at the Cameron Street gate behind the theatre.

If there are multiple students from the same family, they will be picked up at the youngest student’s gate.

For many of our older students, this will be fairly simple - they might catch an earlier timed public transport home. Some will walk and seniors might drive. For some of our younger students, you may wish to pick your child up. Please only do this if absolutely necessary as it will create traffic issues around the school.

We will share further information and detail on Facebook, Website, email, dojo and text as information becomes available.


Jo Gray