General Information about HSPA Primary
Class structure
Each class is compiled based on observations gained from Orientation Days as well as information provided by previous schools or known through parent contact. Student wellbeing is at the forefront of our decisions and each class includes a combination of dance, drama and music students, mixed student abilities and various social combinations.
Parents will be emailed their child’s class and teacher prior to the end of the school year once classes have been finalised.
Day Structure and Bell times
As per the Department of Education guidelines, classroom routines consist of explicit Literacy and Numeracy teaching and learning for 50% of each school day. This allows the remaining 50% of the school day to be spent covering Personal Development, Health, Physical Education, Science, History or Geography and Performing and Creative Arts. These subject areas may be integrated within the teaching and learning activities to support student connection and understanding.
Our performing arts lessons occur after lunch each day for 1 hour. This is made up of a combination of ensembles and all performing arts lessons. Performing arts lessons will be taught by a variety of Primary teachers who specialise in each specific performing arts area.
Primary lessons begin at 9am each day and conclude at 3:05pm, and bell times are available on our website. Primary students leave classrooms at 3:05pm to make their way to transport ahead of secondary students. Primary students conclude their lessons 5 minutes before Secondary students to allow them time to make their way to transport.
Assemblies and Awards
Each Monday morning, we hold a short welcome assembly for students to go through the activities for the week. We also introduce our Stars of the Week. This is a person who is recognised for their positive contributions to the school and celebrated throughout the week in each classroom. This is a student assembly.
At the end of each term we hold an assembly in the theatre which parents can attend. This assembly celebrates student success through special awards and achievement recognition, and is hosted by our primary student leaders.
Physical education and sport are highly valued and taught each week in classes. We also have specialist tutors working with students for specific sport skills. We also hold our annual Athletics Carnival and Cross Country Carnival to recognise, encourage and enjoy sport.
Whilst we do not have school PSSA teams, we do offer students the opportunity to be part of regional and state teams.
Children are encouraged to borrow each week from the library. Students should bring a library bag to borrow books. Library lessons take place for all primary classes each week.
The School Canteen has a wide variety of choices of recess and lunch items with both winter and summer menus. Primary students have a slightly earlier lunch break than Secondary students to allow them time to pick up lunch orders and purchase food.
The canteen menu is available for download from our school website. Online lunch and recess orders can be made prior to 9am each day via the school website.
Lost Property
Lost property that is labelled is returned to student classrooms when handed in. All other lost property is kept at the library for student collection.