Bring Your Own Device - BYOD
BYOD Policy BYOD FAQs BYOD Agreement
As part of our strong commitment to future focused teaching and learning excellence we have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program from Year 3 to Year 12. Students are encouraged and expected to bring their own device to school which can connect to the school's wireless network and support their learning.
What are suitable devices?
Suitable BYOD Devices is a video clip from a recent parent/technology information night that outlines and explains the specifications required for successful BYODs at HSPA.
In short, the fundamental requirements are:
- devices MUST be able to connect to a 5Ghz dual band wireless network, which is "802.11ac" - make sure you specify if purchasing a device
- public high schools ONLY use 5.0Ghz networks, NOT 2.4Ghz networks - older or cheaper devices may only connect to a 2.4Ghz network, making them incompatible with our 5Ghz WiFi network
- laptop minimum specifications are 4GB RAM (8GB preferred) and 250GB hard drive, regardless of make or model - below these specifications will not cope with school study
- battery life is also very important, as the device needs battery capacity to last the whole day
- the device must have a keyboard - tablets are inefficient with regard to data entry and most education based applications
- Microsoft Office does not need to be purchased in addition to the device - the student’s email account gives them an Office365 licence so they can Install Office365 for Free.
Importantly, we take NO responsibility for Bring Your Own Devices, including damage or theft.
Limited software based technical support is available, via the HSPA website, such as instructions on connecting to the school Wi-Fi and there is a Tech Cafe, with Mr Portelli, in the library every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time.