Weekly information
Yr 10, 11 and 12 receive a weekly Careers News via an announcement on the Canvas All Students homepage. Make sure Canvas Announcement Notifications are setup, so you don’t miss the opportunities and important information conatained in the Career News.
The Career News weekly announcement includes:
- Youth Links - apprenticeships, traineeships and casual employment opportunities.
- Careers News - summarised list of events from Universities, TAFE, Colleges and other providers.
- Any other opportunity I’m contacted directly about to pass onto students.
Year 11 and 12 Support
Students can book Careers Meeting to discuss individual options including:
Pattern of study
University information (courses, application processes, scholarships, ATAR)
TAFE applications
Employment including Apprenticeship & Traineeships
To make a booking, please use Canvas calendar bookings in the All Students page
Year 10 Support
Students attend five careers lessons per Term. During Careers lessons important information is communicated, including:
Work experience
Senior Subject Selection
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
School to Work Pathways – University, TAFE, Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Sharing Mastery learning / Credentials with employers and university
Yr 10 students can find the information from Careers lessons on their Canvas – Careers Course
Support for earlier year groups
Students and families in years 7 to 9 can contact the Careers Adviser at any time to arrange a meeting, should they require it.