Hunter School of the Performing Arts


Telephone02 4952 3355

Parents and Citizens

The P&C operates a number of sub committees that provide focused support to the school.

These include the POPPAS (Parent of Primary Performing Arts Students), the Music Sub Committee and the Fundraising Committee.

Other working groups are formed from time to time on a project needs basis.


Hunter School of the Performing Arts, like all schools, relies heavily on the assistance and support of our school community.

The generous contributions of our willing volunteers enables many school programs to function effectively.

We particularly welcome the support of parents, grandparents and friends of the school in the areas listed below.

School Canteen

Volunteers are needed on both a regular and emergency basis. The Canteen is operated under the auspices of the P&C and is a major source of fundraising for the school

Visit this link to sign up to volunteer at the Canteen.

Music Faculty

Clerical assistance is required on a daily basis - the role would include photocopying, data input and filing.

Reading Tutors

For students from all years as required - this program involves listening to individual students read. It has proven to be very beneficial for students with reading difficulties

Library Assistance

Particularly covering and repairing books - this ensures that students have continued access to all library resources.

Costume Storage

Organising storeroom and cataloguing costumes; we have accumulated a large number of costumes which need to be sorted and catalogued to ensure more effective use.

POPPAS (Parents of Primary Performing Arts Students)

Parents and friends of primary school students are encouraged to support our fundraising initiatives - this group assist the primary staff to organise special events such as Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Grandfriends celebrations, and end of year functions.



P&C Meetings

Monday Week 2 and Week 8 of each Term

Secondary meeting 7-8pm in Common Room or Zoom

Refer to HSPA Events page for specific dates and links to Video Conferences

POPPAS (Parents of Primary Performing Arts Students) Meetings

First Monday of each month during school terms, 6pm in the Boardroom - Admin block.

Music Subcommittee Meetings

Julia Peetz

Felicity Ferguson-Tate

Karen Sherlock

  • Meeting times to be confirmed.

The P&C Executive - Secondary

President - Mr Dave Lewis

Secretary - Ms Amy Maguire

Treasurer - Mr Barry Dismoore

P&C Agenda - Secondary

Agenda for our Next Meeting

P&C Minutes - Secondary

P&C Meeting Minutes - February 2025

P&C Meeting Minutes - December 2024

P&C Meeting Minutes - October 2024