Welcome to our school community
Dear Parent and Carers
We would like to welcome you and your child to the Hunter School of the Performing Arts, a unique school in NSW of which we are very proud. It is the only school in NSW which offers a comprehensive Year 3-12 curriculum in addition to specialist tuition in a fully selective high potential performing arts environment.
We understand that changing schools may be very unsettling. We look forward to assisting and supporting you during this time.
We aim to provide a school in which children feel happy and safe and aspire to achieve their full potential. We implement a well-balanced curriculum based on New South Wales Department of Education (DoE) and NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements, whilst valuing the diversity of our students and school.
We aspire for all students to become well-adjusted, cooperative students who display confidence in their own abilities and are accepting of others. We strive to equip them with knowledge, skills and attitudes that enhance the community. During your child’s time at Hunter School of the Performing Arts, we aim to nurture your child’s skills and interest in Performing Arts.
We invite you as parents to introduce yourself to your child’s teacher and be involved in your child’s school through opportunities such as school functions and working bees, being a canteen helper or becoming a member of the POPPAS (Parents of Primary Performing Arts Students) group who are a group of parents and teachers who come together once a month to catch up on what is happening at the school, ask questions and plan events that specifically target the support of Primary students and the school community.
Through strong support and encouragement from parents the education process is more successful. The education of a child is a joint responsibility between the home and school. Therefore, we seek and welcome your participation in all school activities. Should you have any concerns at all please do not hesitate to contact us.
Welcome to HSPA.