Hunter School of the Performing Arts


Telephone02 4952 3355


Student Attendance


Your child should be at school every day including excursions and carnivals.  Whenever possible, family holidays should coincide with school holidays and dental and doctor appointments, ballet, drama or music rehearsals should be arranged outside school hours.  If an absence is to exceed 5 school days, parents must complete an application for extended leave travel at least one month in advance and return it to school to be approved by the Principal. Regular, unexplained absences are referred to the Department of Education Home School Liaison Officer for support.

Absence Notification

The school must be notified of student absences within 7 days by either note, phone or email so attendance records regarding reason for absence can be maintained.

Early Leave

Early leave must be requested by parents/caregivers prior to the leave.  Signed notes should be placed in the black letterboxes outside the Primary classrooms in the morning, or parents may phone the office on 4952 3297.  Students will then be sent to the administration office at the specified time to meet their parent/carer. If notifying the office of early leave, please do so the morning of, as last-minute notifications can result in a delay when collecting your child.

Late Arrival

Students must be signed in at the administration office either by a parent/caregiver or should take a signed note from a parent/caregiver to the office when arriving late to school. Students must not go directly to the classroom as rolls need to be adjusted to show attendance.