A range of Department and/or School policies and rules exist to ensure your child remains safe and well at school and to support their ongoing learning and development.
The NSW Department of Education’s Policy Library contains all current operational policies for schools. They are grouped into the following categories:
eg: anti-racism, Aboriginal, gifted and talented, multi-cultural, students with disabilities
eg: curriculum, literacy, numeracy, homework, library, mentoring, sport and physical activity
eg: bullying, nutrition, incident reporting, protecting and supporting young people
eg: social media, bring your own device, student use of the internet and online services
eg: attendance, school excellence, enrolment, uniforms, leading the school
eg: excursions, overseas students, visitors
eg: code of conduct, accreditation, secondary employment, working with children, allegations against employees
eg: community use, maintenance, construction, procurement, surplus land
eg: complaint handling, media relations, information security, records management and motor vehicles
eg: invoice payments, voluntary school contributions, pre-school class, budget policy
HSPA School Procedures
General Behaviour
- Attendance Procedure
- Attendance Year 12 Procedure
- Emergency Management Procedure
- Mobile Phones at School Procedure
- School Dances Procedure
- School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
- Student Behaviour Expectations
- School Uniform Procedure
- Technology & Devices Procedures
- Mobile Phone Procedures