Hunter School of the Performing Arts


Telephone02 4952 3355

Covid Learning Offsite

Secondary Bell Times During Online Learning



Primary Bell Times During Online Learning



Weekly Wellbeing/ Asynchronous Day

Each week there will be a day set aside for students to learn asynchronously. This is an opportunity to take a break from the timetabled Zoom conferences and work through learning activities set in Weekly Announcements/Discussions at their own pace. There will be no Zoom conferences held on this day, however teachers can take a break from their planning for the following week's online learning to meet with students via Zoom, on request.

The weekly Wellbeing/ Asynchronous day provides students with time to catch up on incomplete course work from the previous week, work on assessment tasks, engage in exercise and wellbeing activities such as the weekly wellbeing challenge below.

The Weekly Wellbeing / Asynchronous day is on a rotating basis to avoid the same classes being impacted. The cycle for Term 4 is as follows:

  • Week 1 = Monday 4/10 (Public Holiday)
  • Week 2 = Tuesday 12/10 (Y3-Y11)
  • Week 3 = Wednesday 20/10 (Y3-Y11)



Weekly Wellbeing Challenge.



The image below provides a guide regarding how long students should spend online per age and subject. HSPA's online learning timetable facilitates this timing automatically.