Performing Arts
Drama, Dance and Music are core subjects from Years 3 to 6. These subjects are integrated into classroom programs as well as taught explicitly during performing arts lessons.
There are also various Dance, Drama and Music opportunities which change from year to year based on opportunities available. These may include but are not limited to:
Specialised ensembles
Star Struck
School, Regional and State Dance Festivals/Concerts/Showcases
School, Regional and State Drama Festivals/Concerts/Showcases
School, Regional and State Music/Choral Festivals/Concerts/Showcases
School Showcase Concerts
School Musicals (major production)
Junior Theatre Festival
Regional and State Arts Camps
REACH program (extension)
Students are also encouraged to participate and perform at our local community and cultural events, with the expectation of full commitment to school activities, including performing arts.
Performing Arts Units of Work
All students will participate in lessons in their auditioned performing arts area once a week for the year. Students also participate in the remaining two performing arts areas in weekly lessons on a semester rotation. This means students will take part in two performing arts lessons per week for the entire year that are curriculum based. For example, a dance student will take part in a weekly dance lesson for the entire year and will also complete a drama lesson each week for one semester and a music lesson each week for the other semester.
All units are based on the NSW Syllabus and are focused on outcomes specific to Dance, Drama and Music with additional extension focuses to cater for the needs of our students.
In Dance, students learn about the elements of dance and integrate these into units focused on themes such as classical ballet, musical theatre and sculpture. Students perform dances from a range of contexts to demonstrate their movement skills and expressive qualities, and learn to explore and combine movement to communicate ideas, feelings and moods.
In Drama, students learn about the elements of drama and the various forms of drama performance. Focusing on characterisation, movement and voice, students learn to create and sustain roles in a variety of drama forms to express meaning in a wide range of imagined situations. Students learn to interpret and convey this meaning through devising, acting and rehearsing these skills and performing for an audience.
In Music, students sing, play and respond to a range of music to demonstrate their knowledge and skills of music concepts. Students explain and give reasons for the organisation, selection and combination of sounds in their pieces, and use their knowledge of symbols to represent their understanding.