Hunter School of the Performing Arts


Telephone02 4952 3355

Library Services

Open Monday to Friday 8:15am to 3:15pm, including recess and lunch breaks. We are closed during Wednesday afternoon sport.

Our Goals

  • to support teaching and learning, through the provision of quality literature and resources
  • to promote a love and appreciation of reading for enjoyment
  • to build students’ information and research skills, which are necessary in a rapidly changing world
  • to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for students to enjoy

Staff Members

Tahnee Robertson - SAO

Ms Lewis - HT T&l/LIB/Y8 ADVISOR



  • Students can use the printing and photocopying facilities, accessible through their Papercut account.
  • Student book requests are encouraged and frequent book orders are made throughout the year.
  • New books are regularly bought and displayed.
  • Games and mindfulness activities are available; Chess sets, colouring in sheets etc. 
  • Our Oliver library catalogue provides digital access to our library collection, including reading suggestions - access is via Canvas or the search computer in the library.
  • Technology assistance to students from Mr Portelli at the IT helpdesk


  • Literary events such as Book Club, Write A Book In A Day challenge, Library Lovers’ Day and Children’s Book Week.
  • Assisting with student research - finding relevant and quality resources and referencing assistance
  • Access for senior students to other libraries such as the State Library of NSW and Newcastle University Library
  • Providing essential information skills including website evaluation, referencing and research skills.