Students will be considered for a Drama placement at Hunter School of the Performing Arts through assessment of a filmed monologue/s and a Drama group workshop
PART 1 - Filmed Drama Monologue/s
YEAR 7, 8, 9
Students select one of the listed monologues and film their performance (This list will be sent once application has gone through). No written support material of any kind is to be used. This monologue is then uploaded to YouTube. Please ensure the video is unlisted and that 'anyone with the link' can access it. For filming, students should be in Drama blacks, be in a well lit room, ensure audio is clear and that full body can be seen at all times.
YEAR 10 & 11
Students select one of the listed monologues AND one other one minute monologue to film (This list will be sent once application has gone through). No written support material of any kind is to be used. These monologues need to be uploaded as one file to YouTube. Please ensure the video is unlisted and that 'anyone with the link' can access it. For filming, students should be in Drama blacks, be in a well lit room, ensure audio is clear and that full body can be seen at all times. Students should aim to find a second monologue that contrasts their first one.
PART 2 - Drama Group Workshop
Students will participate in a group workshop that will incorporate activities looking at collaboration, communication, creativity and critical reflection. Activities may include movement, characterisation, improvisation, script and/or group devising. Students will work with other students throughout the workshop and are encouraged to show their teamwork skills throughout.
Students should wear comfortable clothing which is easy to move in. This may include items such as track suits, tights, T-shirts. These items should cover the stomach and shoulders. Footwear should be joggers or comfortable shoes. Students should not audition in school uniform or costume.
Changes to the process
Changes may occur to the audition process due to extenuating circumstances i.e. COVID-19 restrictions. Changes could include, but are not limited to, video submission and/or online live components. If and when required, details of changes will be communicated to applicants.
Performing Arts Curriculum
If made an offer of placement at our school it is our understanding that you acknowledge and accept our performing arts curriculum. Each new Year 3-8 student is required to follow through with their auditioned performing arts subject until Year 10. It is expected that new Year 9-11 students will follow through with their auditioned performing arts subject until Year 12.
Performing Arts Co-Curriculum
If made an offer of placement at our school it is our understanding that you acknowledge and accept that performing, directing, designing or teching as part of the co-curricular program is expected. This includes all students in Year 7-10 performing each semester in the REACH Showcase. Students are also encouraged to audition for the many productions and Drama competitions we enter.