Part 1 Criteria - Rubric Filmed Drama Monologues
Interpretation of piece, performance quality, creativity and imagination | Monologue has moments of partial realisation and shows limited skills that are minimal in their appropriateness to the style | Monologue is partially realised and shows basic skills that are somewhat appropriate to the style | Monologue is partially realised and shows adequate skills that are mostly appropriate to the style | Monologue is fully realised and shows substantial skills that are appropriate to the style | Monologue is fully realised and shows exceptional skills that are appropriate to the style |
Movement skills, physicality, energy and use of space | Movement is partially appropriate for the monologue with limited energy, minimal use of space and physicality | Movement is partially appropriate for the monologue with some moments of energy, basic use of space and physicality | Movement is mostly appropriate for the monologue with moments of energy, adequate use of space and physicality | Movement is appropriate for the monologue with energy, substantial use of space and physicality | Movement is appropriate for the monologue with high energy, sophisticated use of space and physicality |
Vocal ability, projection, dynamics, tone and expression | Vocal skills are varying in their control, dynamics and appropriateness is limited | Vocal skills have some moments that are controlled with some dynamics and are appropriate to some moments | Vocal skills have moments that are controlled with some dynamics and are appropriate to most moments | Vocal skills are controlled, dynamics and are appropriate to most moments | Vocal skills are controlled, dynamic and are appropriate to each moment |
Complexity and subtlety of characterisation | Character is minimally defined and limited in complexity | Character is partially defined and basic in complex, with basic internal and/or external energy | Character is mostly defined and somewhat complex, with internal energy | Character is mostly defined and somewhat complex, with internal and external energy | Character is well defined and complex, with internal and external energy |
Audience engagement and Actor-Audience relationship | Actor-Audience relationship is limited | Actor-Audience relationship is somewhat sustained and basically engaging | Actor-Audience relationship is adequately sustained and partially engaging | Actor-Audience relationship is mostly sustained and mostly engaging | Actor-Audience relationship is sustained and engaging |
*NB- A list of monologues will be sent to auditionees TWO weeks prior to submission deadline.
PART 2 Criteria - Drama Group Workshop
Warm up | Limited energy, commitment and collaboration skills | Basic energy, commitment and collaboration skills | Adequate energy, commitment and collaboration skills | Substantial energy, commitment and collaboration skills | Outstanding energy, commitment and collaboration skills |
Movement | Limited movement skills that show minimal change and are only sometimes appropriate to the moment | Elementary and stereotypical movement skills that are somewhat appropriate to the moment | Adequate and stereotypical movement skills that are partially appropriate to the moment | Original and substantial movement skills that dynamically change and are mostly appropriate to the moment | Innovative and sophisticated movement skills that dynamically change and are appropriate to the moment |
Characterisation | Limited characters shown | Superficial characters that have basic complexities, elementary dynamics and show limited internal and external energy | Stereotypical characters that have adequate complexities, limited dynamics and show some internal and external energy | Effective characters that have some complexities, some dynamics and show some internal and external energy | Outstanding and dynamic characters that are complex, dynamic and show internal and external energy |
Improvisation | Rudimental ideas, collaboration and acceptance and extension of offers | Elementary ideas, collaboration and acceptance and extension of offers | Sufficient ideas, collaboration and acceptance and extension of offers | Substantial ideas, collaboration and acceptance and extension of offers | Sophisticated and innovative ideas, collaboration and acceptance and extension of offers |
Script (Year 10-11 only) | Limited interpretation, realisation, creativity and collaboration on script | Basic interpretation, realisation, creativity and collaboration on script | Adequate interpretation, realisation, creativity and collaboration on script | Substantial interpretation, realisation, creativity and collaboration on script | Outstanding interpretation, realisation, creativity and collaboration on script |
Group Devised | Rudimental ideas, ensemble work, conceptual understanding and collaboration | Elementary ideas, ensemble work, conceptual understanding and collaboration | Sufficient ideas, ensemble work, conceptual understanding and collaboration | Effective and original ideas, ensemble work, conceptual understanding and collaboration | Sophisticated and innovative ideas, ensemble work, conceptual understanding and collaboration |